Category: Charity Trends

Charity Trends: Fundraising trends to watch for in 2018

Like many industries, fundraising has changed rapidly over the last few years. More and more donations are being made on-line and new causes and events are springing up daily. While email and social media make it easier to reach existing and potential donors, staying current with your approach and messaging is crucial. Read on for fundraising trends to know and use right now.

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Charity Trends: Gifts that keep on giving

What do you get the person who has everything? It’s a question more of us seem to be asking as we approach milestone moments such as birthdays, weddings and other celebrations. Charities are catching on to this theme, with many organizations marketing donations in lieu of typical birthday or holiday gifts. The idea makes a lot of sense, especially when considering younger donors who are tech-savvy, pressed for time, and like the idea of making a difference.

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Charity Trends: Donors are willing to cover processing fees

Recent changes have been happening to the way charities and fundraisers go about collecting donations online. There is a growing trend for donors to ‘top-up’ and cover the credit card processing fee applied to their donation. This feature has been so well received that organizations are starting to utilize this functionality to maximize their efforts in all of their donation forms.

As modern consumers are accustomed to paying a little more for purchased goods and services (such as taxes or shipping and handling), paying a small percentage more towards their contribution of the cause they care about makes total sense. In fact, donors are genuinely willing to assist with the additional cost when they understand that charities need help covering the cost of fundraising.

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